Talent Acquisition

Crafting Recruiting Mails That Stand Out: A Guide for Founders and HR Teams


Navigating the world of talent acquisition requires more than just identifying the perfect candidate, especially in the digital age.

It demands engaging them in a way that captures their attention and compels them to respond. Writing recruiting InMails that stand out is crucial for effective communication. Drawing from extensive experience and thousands of sent messages, we've distilled a winning formula for crafting InMails that truly resonate.

The Importance of Personalization

Personalization is not just a buzzword; it's a proven strategy. Tailoring your message to the candidate shows that you've done your homework and see them as more than just a number. 

Dive into the candidate's profile, find unique details, and use them to affirm their worth and potential fit for the role. Personalized InMails receive significantly higher response rates compared to generic ones.

Clarity is Key

In the world of instant communication, clarity and conciseness are your best friends. State the purpose of your message clearly, avoiding any fluff that might obscure your main points. 

A clear and direct message is more likely to capture the candidate's attention and elicit a response.

Inject Excitement

Recruitment is a two-way street. You're not just evaluating candidates; you're also convincing them why they should be excited about the opportunity. Express genuine enthusiasm about the potential collaboration to make your message stand out. 

Emotional engagement can significantly influence the recipient's response.

Authenticity Wins

Corporate jargon and overly formal language can make your message feel impersonal and detached. Be authentic in your communication; it's okay to use a conversational tone and even emojis if that aligns with your company culture. 

Authentic and humanized brand communications are increasingly preferred by job seekers.

Be Specific

Vagueness is the enemy of engagement. Be clear about the role you're recruiting for and how it fits into the larger mission of your company. Highlight the specific value the candidate would bring to the team. 

Specificity in job advertisements significantly increases the likelihood of attracting qualified candidates.

Embrace Transparency

Gone are the days when salary discussions and company culture were taboo topics in initial communications. Being upfront about expectations, culture, and compensation can set the stage for an honest and open dialogue. 

Transparency in the recruitment process is linked to higher trust and engagement levels.

Clear Call to Action

What do you want the candidate to do next? Whether it's replying to your InMail, scheduling a call, or reviewing a job description, make sure your call to action (CTA) is clear and compelling. 

InMails with a clear CTA see a higher response rate, as they guide the candidate on how to proceed.

Optimize for Attention

With the average attention span dwindling, the length of your message matters. Keeping your message concise and to the point can increase readability and engagement. Aim for messages around 400 characters to hit the sweet spot, especially for mobile users.

Simplicity is Sophisticated

Write as if you're explaining the role to a fifth grader. This doesn't mean dumbing down the content but rather making it accessible and easy to understand. Complex jargon and convoluted sentences can deter busy candidates. 

Information processed more easily is more likely to be received positively.

Timing Matters

When you send your InMail can be just as important as what you say. Messages sent mid-week tend to have higher response rates. Avoid sending InMails on Fridays and Saturdays when candidates are less likely to be receptive.

Sample Recruiting InMail Template

Here's a template to get you started:

Hi {candidate.name},

I came across your profile and was impressed by your experience in {specific area}. We have an exciting opportunity for a {job.title} at {company.name} that I think could be a great fit for you.

At {company.name}, we are {briefly describe what the company does and its mission}. We believe your background in {mention specific skills or experiences from the candidate's profile} would bring a lot of value to our team.

We would love to discuss this opportunity with you further. Are you available for a quick call sometime this week? Looking forward to your response!

Best regards,


To cut through the noise and engage top talent effectively, your recruiting InMails should be:

  • Short and impactful
  • Highly personalized
  • Sent mid-week for optimal engagement
  • Accompanied by a clear, single call to action

Crafting recruiting InMails that resonate with candidates is both an art and a science. By incorporating these strategies, backed by recent research and data, founders and HR teams can significantly improve their outreach efforts, turning cold contacts into warm leads and, ultimately, into valuable team members.


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