
Driving Efficiency and Excellence in Fintech Hiring in 2024: FundApps Partners with Move

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We sat down with Adriana Toma, Head of People at FundApps, a London-headquartered fintech, to discuss its partnership with Move.

What hiring challenges were you experiencing before engaging us?

After a period of high growth in 2022, 2023 was a time to slow down and enable our teams to settle into their new norming and performing ways. That presented an opportunity to take a critical look at our talent acquisition practices and make changes that would support our scale in 2024. We partnered with Move in the second half of 2023 to support the few hires we still needed to make. It was a good chance to explore how Move would support an anticipated busier Q124.

What were your hiring goals and how did we help you achieve them? 

We started this year with a busy hiring plan - multiple tech vacancies, but also commercial and operations hires that we needed to make. We wanted to move at speed, but talent quality and finding amazing cultural contributors were equally important aspects for us. Move deployed a team on our projects, and they ramped up quickly on requirements, culture and values, and ways of working. The communication and collaboration throughout have been excellent.

"I am grateful the Move team was as passionate about candidate experience as we are."
- Adriana Toma, Head of People

What were some key results or process improvements achieved during our partnership? 

The team helped streamline the intake meetings, and their deliverable document is a nice little tool to have to ensure a great start to a new project. We also improved our time to offer from 30 to 21 days in Q124, which is great for candidate experience.

You initially used our subscription + headhunting service. What was your experience of this? 

I appreciated the flexibility of the subscription, the responsiveness of the team on the other end of Slack, and the ease with which I could switch to sourcing services when the inbound application didn’t prove enough.

Why was it a fit for your context?

We weren’t hiring a lot at the time, so an embedded model would have been costly and unnecessary. With the subscription, we were able to get the right level of service at a fraction of the cost of a traditional agency model.

How does it compare to other methods of hiring like building your own team?

The main difference to hiring internally was that we didn’t have to worry about the tools and sourcing platforms when we needed to power up the search. It was a seamless transition from inbound to sourced candidates, and we saw the impact quickly.

How does it compare to using  a traditional agency?

Cost and care. The subscription model is more cost-efficient than a traditional agency, particularly when we manage to build a solid pipeline from inbound applications. The care the team demonstrated in adapting to the various ways of working with our hiring teams made our experience more personalised than working with external recruiters with generic methods.

You then scaled up to our embedded team service. What was your experience of this? 

We have had a good experience with the embedded model. The team Move assigned is great. They took the time to understand FundApps well, met with each hiring team and adapted to preferred ways of working, and are always on and responsive.

Why was it a fit for your context?

It was a better fit because we opened many roles at the same time and I didn’t have to worry about cost/role or negotiating a change in level. This allowed us to move quickly and adapt as we progressed through the hiring processes.

How would you describe our approach to candidate experience?

Candidate experience was a lot on my mind when we first started working with Move. It’s something we care deeply about at FundApps, we believe the FundApper experience starts from the moment someone applies to a role, and even for those who are not progressing in the hiring process, we still want to give them a good experience. Finding a hiring partner who appreciated this as much as we did, who understood the care and work that went into building our culture and brand and how important it was to represent us well with candidates, was a key part of my decision when we switched to the embedded model and entrusted Move with a large number of vacancies. I am grateful the Move team was as passionate about candidate experience as we are.

Tell us a bit about FundApps and why you’re awesome!

FundApps is a company powered by experts, with a client community of 1000s and a culture underpinned by ethics. Oh - and we make the best regulatory software so our clients can  “get a good night’s sleep now they have FundApps’❃[real client quote]

Many lawyers, ex-regulators, info sec and other experts work for the B Corp that is FundApps. We are all about future-proofing our compliance monitoring and reporting software so we can always monitor the £19trn (and growing) of AuM for the industry’s most active and happy global compliance community [we get top notch NPS + CSAT scores year after year].

Good people, good business, good ethics. We are FundApps.

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